Tell us how you use the Food Systems Dashboard and win up to 2,000 USD!

Send us stories of how you are using the Food Systems Dashboard — either the global Food Systems Dashboard or any of the subnational country dashboards. We want to hear about all the ways you have used the Food Systems Dashboard from designing policies or programs, answering research questions, planning educational curriculums, and more.

Submissions open until October 31st, 12pm UTC.
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About the Food Systems Dashboard

The Food Systems Dashboard gives a complete view of food systems by bringing together data from multiple sources. It's now possible to compare drivers, components, and outcomes of food systems across countries and regions, gain insights into challenges, and identify actions to improve nutrition, health, and environmental outcomes.

More About the Food Systems Dashboard
Learn About Food Systems
The food system is all of the people and activities that play a part in growing, transporting, supplying, and, ultimately, eating food.
More About Food Systems
Columbia Climate School Climate, Earth, and SocietyColumbia Climate School Climate, Earth, and SocietyColumbia Climate School Climate, Earth, and SocietyCornell CALS: College of Architectural and Life Sciences


The Food Systems Countdown Initiative (FSCI) is producing annual publications to measure, assess, and track the performance of global food systems toward 2030 and the conclusion of the Sustainable Development Goals.
More Information about the Food Systems Countdown Initiative View Data in Food Systems Dashboard